
Exploit Scanner

Your protection from viruses
and malware


ConfigServer Exploit Scanner

ConfigServer eXploit Scanner (CXS) is a tool that performs an active scan of files uploaded to your hosting and quarantines any file with suspicious content.
Indispensable tool for the security and protection of your hosting against malicious activity.

How it works

Active file scans help protect against any malicious activity (expoits, malware) by removing suspicious files and moving them to quarantine before they become active and cause a problem. It can also block the upload of PHP and perl shell scripts that are often used for malicious attacks and spamming.

CXS allows you to manually scan files, folders and user accounts for suspicious content such as exploits, viruses, symlinks and sockets. Additionally, you can run scans on existing user data that has been uploaded in the past or via methods not covered by CXS's active scan.

Exploit Scanning includes

Over 4000 known exploit scripts fingerprint matches
(in addition to the standard ClamAV scan)

Known viruses via ClamAV
Suspicious file names
Binary executables
Check for old versions of popular apps (eg. WordPress, Joomla, osCommerce)
Certain illegal installations of web software
Daily check for new Exploit Fingerprints
Suspicious file types
Bayes probability scanning - scanning scripts and checking the content through an algorithm that produces the probability of it being an exploit
Check files and folders for changes and ability to send an e-mail report
Frequent scanning of all users data using the CXS Watch daemon, as soon as it is modified
Certain illegal installations of web software
Regular expression pattern matching